
You're the captain of the spaceship
Unchain my wrists, I'll find the exit
We use to be friends
This is the end
I can't forgive you
You don't know what I've been through

You were so selfish
I've been foolished
You've been so far
Now I'm all scar

I'm a passenger
I call your name
I can't fly farther
Would you fly this plane
Fly away some day
Nowhere else to go
Free to leave this earth
Free to wander

Outside it's so cold
Believe my word
I'll escape There is no air
I can't breath
I fall on my knees
You call me devil
I'm just you evil

You were so selfish
I've been foolished
You've been so far
Now I'm all scar

I'm a passenger
I call your name
I can't fly farther
Would you fly this plane
Fly away some day
Nowhere else to go
Free to leave this earth
Free to wander

.:: PREVIOUS ::.

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